The most Judicious Adviser for Jagan..!!
The most Judicious Adviser for Jagan..!!
- If the cm data-faces difficulties, he takes the lead.
- Counter to Opposition Criticisms on Land Titling Act.
- Coordinator between cm and administration.
There are 42 advisers in ap Govt. However, if we leave aside the issue of what they all are doing, one or two of them keep coming before the media. Among them is former IAS officer ajeya kallam Reddy. After retiring as IAS, jagan appointed him as his advisor. He is a direct advisor to the Chief Minister. Kallam reddy has a separate style. Every time CM jagan data-faced difficulties, he used to come before the media. Ahead of the latest elections, the issue of the Land Titling Act has caused a stir. Although many explanations have been given by the government, it has not gone down to the people. At this time, Kallam reddy, who conducted a big seminar in Vijayawada, revealed the antecedents of this Land Titling Act. It was explained that this was brought by the Centre.

Unlike other advisors, whenever any need arises, ajeya kallam is at the forefront. He will be in touch with the chief minister and the administration. Whenever there is a need for contemporary issues, he responds. So he tried to solve the problems of the government to some extent. It is noteworthy that he is one of the advisors who meets the cm directly.