Telangana Hyderabad - Man vs Bear Debate Rates and Concern Grows Over Women Safety

A single TikTok video has sparked a global social media discussion, revealing that most women are more afraid of an unrelated guy than of a wild beast. people from all around the world are asking women, "If you were alone in a forest, who would you meet—a man or a bear?" Not all women, but many of them, say they would rather meet a bear than a man.
In actuality, the argument draws attention to the extent of violence against women, which compels them to select bears in an imaginary scenario. While the majority of women worldwide share these opinions, spoke with Hyderabad-based women from a variety of backgrounds, and this is what they had to say:

Most women choose bear!

Undergraduate student Khushee states, "I would prefer running into a bear," in an interview with india Herald. At least I won't be objectified or harassed by the bear. I think that nice guys do exist in the world. Nobody that I could trust has come along.
Shruthi, an IT specialist, remarks, "A man is a man, not all men are men! Rather than hoping that a guy wouldn't rape me, I would rather take my chances against the bear.
Richa Kaushik, 19, expresses similar sentiments when she states, "If a bear attacked me, no one would question what I was wearing."

Still, not every woman goes with a bear. "A bear would tear me into pieces," a 22-year-old lady declares. I don't want to pass away horribly.
Another woman responds, "I have learned martial arts," but she asks not to be identified. I feel confident in my ability to defend myself if a male attempts to do something. In regards to a bear, I am unsure.

Men React

IT worker Abhishek, 22, responds, "If a bear attacks a woman, who do you think they will come running to? " when asked why most women chose a bear. women require a male to defend them, yet we constantly data-face insults.
"When you asked other women, you sure they didn't assume it was a teddy bear?" remarks a 24-year-old software developer.
A young businessman, age 26, has a unique perspective on the matter. He added, "Just put 'rich' before the man, and then we'll see who they choose to run into."

Another student was irritated when this reporter asked him this question, asking, "Do you even cover fake rape and harassment cases that women file?"
But some men have other opinions. A 22-year-old student stated, "If it were my little sister, I would feel more safe if she ran into a bear than a man."
"Given the violence against women and how society treats them, I understand why they chose a bear," remarks a second guy, a mechanical engineer by trade. You can predict animal behavior, but with man, you never know.

Expert Speaks

"The man vs. bear argument is evidence of the threat that women perceive to their safety in the culture in which they live. The fact that many women opted for bear over man is indicative of the reality that women have personally witnessed acts of abuse by males. According to Ipsita Sapra, Associate professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Hyderabad, "It can take the form of sexual harassment or assault in public spaces or domestic violence within the so-called safety of the home."

The UN reports that one in three women worldwide suffer physical or sexual abuse, frequently at the hands of a close companion. Crimes against women are on the rise in india, according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Even though there is a chance that more people are reporting, the fact that more than 4.45 lakh women in india reported experiencing violence in 2022 is a sobering truth.
"In summary, although bear violence is implausible, human violence is relatable and more familiar," Ipsita explains, elucidating why women preferred bears over men despite their evident fear of the outdoors.

In telangana, on average, police receive one complaint of domestic violence every four minutes. According to the NCRB report, the rate of total crime against women per lakh of population in telangana stood at 117. A total of 22,066 cases of crime against women were registered in telangana in 2022. As many as 20,865 cases were registered in 2021, 17,791 in 2020, and 18,394 cases in 2019.


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