"I am Not Pregnant.." - Actress Burst Out

The movie business is a cruel one. In addition to the uproar around the movie, performers' social media posts and comments are scrutinized closely if they are interpreted incorrectly. Here's a look at Mehreen's recent statement, which has gained significant attention. Recently, mehreen stated that working women and busy couples can postpone getting pregnant by using the procedure of egg freezing. For couples who want to take this lovely journey but cannot currently afford the time and space, this is a workable method.

By the way, this remark rapidly backfired when others said that mehreen was employing the egg-freezing procedure. A few media sources also covered this extensively. The actress has since replied, claiming that the media misinterpreted her remarks. "I stated that anyone interested can apply this strategy. I never claimed to be using it myself. Before drafting such stories, media professionals ought to exercise some conscience. I urge that these reports be removed right away. She stated, "If not, there will be legal repercussions" on the same.

Mehreen expressed her annoyance by addressing the problem on social media, highlighting the need for the media to present factual information and denouncing sensationalism as being more important than reality. She defended her freedom to discuss private choices in order to raise societal awareness and threatened to sue anybody who disseminated lies. She insisted on public retractions and apologies from the offending channels and emphasised the significance of utilising her platform to raise awareness of important topics like women's job choices and fertility.

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