Telangana Hyderabad - The rooftop solar adoption has been very slow

The State's rooftop solar installation program is being hampered by low awareness, high upfront prices, subsidized electricity supplies, and a lack of available financing choices. Rooftop solar uptake has been extremely sluggish, particularly in the State's residential sector where many still view solar power installation as a costly choice.

Even though the Centre offers subsidies through several programs, many are reluctant to take advantage of them since they are unaware of them. Additionally, since State-run electrical distribution corporations provide subsidized power to consumers, there is little need for them to convert to solar power. Vice-Chairman and Managing director of telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation Limited (TSREDCO), N Janaiah, claimed that people's lack of knowledge was preventing them from switching to solar power. "Rooftop solar is essential for obtaining inexpensive power.

Over time, it saves a significant amount of money and lessens reliance on the grid. A 3 KW system may provide 25 years of free electricity for individual families for an investment of Rs 1.50 lakh, he noted.
The State government was trying to solve the problems by adding rooftop solar capacity, particularly the high prices, he added, through the new rooftop solar plan called PM surya Ghar Muft Bijliee Yojana (PSGMBY).
Under this program, systems with a capacity of 2 KW to 3 KW received a 40% additional system cost subsidy, while systems with a capacity of up to 2 KW received a 60% cost cover for the solar unit. He said that the subsidy had a 3 KW capacity restriction.

A 1 KW system will receive a subsidy of Rs 30,000, a 2 KW system of Rs 60,000, and a 3 KW system or more of Rs 78,000, he said, citing the current benchmark rates. He also added that the increase in module subsidies to 60% from 40% to 60% and the availability of loans to households at a minimum interest rate of 7% were anticipated to increase households' ability to choose rooftop solar units.

"In the State, rooftop solar installations in residential spaces have a lot of potential," he stated.
Regarding the difficulties customers were having enrolling on the PMSGMBY National Portal, he stated that there were certain software-related problems, which made it hard for users to post their applications.
The entire procedure was being streamlined by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), and all problems should soon be fixed.




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