Election for Kadapa seat-battle between justice and crime...

S Venkateshwari

Election for kadapa seat-battle between justice and crime...

In reference to the assassination of her uncle YS Vivekananda, sharmila characterized her candidacy from kadapa as a "battle of justice versus crime". He has characterized his choice to run for parliament from kadapa against his cousin avinash Reddy as a quest for justice. sharmila mentioned that she could "understand" her cousin Avinash's potential motivations for the murder of her uncle because Vivekananda was obstructing his political aspirations. However, he finds it incomprehensible that his brother jagan Mohan reddy is connected to this crime.

During this interview, when questioned if jagan reddy was providing a statement about the innocence of his cousin avinash in this whole situation. What is his opinion on this? sharmila questioned Jagan's remarks and voiced concern about his "mental condition" in answer to this query.

What makes you trying to thwart the CBI's investigation?

In response to Jagan's remarks against her cousin, sharmila questioned, "Is jagan reddy the law? Is He the Almighty? or a charter? Shall we refer to him as Hitler? He went on to say that jagan should go to the cbi and establish his innocence if he thinks Avinash's allegations are true. For what reason are they impeding the CBI's investigation?

Have faith in the kadapa community

Sharmila claimed in the interview that she was confident in the kadapa Lok Sabha seat's populace and that they would fiercely oppose the injustice and crimes that her brother's colleagues had perpetrated. sharmila presented a story of corruption and treachery by highlighting her uncle's legacy as a four-time mp and drawing comparisons with Jagan's friends' conduct.

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