Telangana Hyderabad - 383 Polling Stations Critical and 1050 Sensitive

According to K Sreenivasa Reddy, the Commissioner of police in hyderabad, 383 voting places in the city have been deemed crucial because they may pose a threat to peace and order. Furthermore, 1,050 more polling places are deemed sensitive for reasons other than current law enforcement concerns. These reasons include past voting patterns and anomalous occurrences.
At a press briefing, D Ronald Rose, the hyderabad District election Officer, and ghmc Commissioner provided more details on the categorization procedure. He emphadata-sized that the identification of the sensitive booths is dependent on variables such as large voter turnout, a strong endorsement of a single candidate in past elections, or periods of low voter turnout. Sensitive locations include those where violence prompted the filing of FIRs or where re-polling was necessary as a result of anomalies in the electoral process.
To guarantee the seamless execution of the polling process, steps are being made to improve security and avert any undesirable events. According to the Commissioner of police, home guards from karnataka are anticipated to augment the current security measures in hyderabad during the election time.
Law enforcement agencies work together to keep the electoral process peaceful and orderly so that voters may cast their ballots in a secure and fair atmosphere.

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