Hyderabad Bike Taxi driver flees with parcel - Police Complaint Filed

After a bike taxi driver reportedly neglected to deliver a customer's package to his cousin in Hitec City, hyderabad, the customer filed a police complaint against him. To get his relative some food and some books, the complaint had arranged for a bike taxi. However, the bike taxi driver who was supposed to deliver the package reportedly took off with it, thus it never made it to its intended location. 

In addition to complaining to the bike taxi app's administrators, the complainant also complained to the hyderabad police against Abhilash, the bike taxi driver, for allegedly abducting and torturing her. The incident was being investigated, according to the authorities, to determine what happened to the misplaced parcel and the actions of the bike rider.

There have been instances similar to this one before. Numerous patrons have lodged grievances alleging that motorbike taxi drivers have absconded with their packages, valued at thousands of rupees. Aggregators frequently lose money when they are unable to move their drivers. There are lots of complaints and frequent incidents concerning such taxi drivers and the complaints are increasing every day. watch out this space for more updates.

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