Hundreds of Muslim devotees throng Ram Mandir in Ayodhya

On Tuesday, hundreds of Muslim followers flocked to Ayodhya's ram mandir as part of Indresh Kumar's Sadbhav Yatra, which aims to foster religious unity. Muslim followers traveled great distances to get the darshan of Lord ram Lalla. During their yatra, the Muslim devotees held saffron Lord ram flags in their palms and sang "Jai Shree Ram."

Muslims who follow Lord ram say that he is both a Hindu prophet and a prophet to them.
"We don't feel that we are being discriminated against. I consider myself lucky to have visited Lord Ram. A Muslim follower said, "It's really good to come to ram Lalla's premises."
Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM), a nationalist Muslim group, asserted earlier in january that 74% of Muslims think narendra modi is India's most successful prime minister and are pleased with the ram temple's building in Ayodhya.

MRM cited the survey's results to assert that Lord ram is present among all people and that narendra modi is India's most successful prime minister, a message that not just india but the whole globe takes to heart.
According to the study, a large number of Muslims said that the so-called Ulemas, Maulanas, and opposition leaders should be fully boycotted for attempting to further their political careers in the name of Islam.
The poll said that the ram temple in ayodhya is the core of the religion for Hindus, and the faith of the majority population should be respected, in light of the temple building in ayodhya, according to the Muslim community.

The poll indicates that the nation's Muslims think that everyone owns a ram and that the ram belongs to everyone. As a result, it is imperative to respond appropriately to those disruptive elements attempting to destroy the nation's environment in the name of Ram. Additionally, Muslims publicly declared that it is forbidden to worship in a mosque constructed by razing a sacred site belonging to a different religion.

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