AMB Cinemas Gachibowli is Hyderabad's most sought-after Premium Multiplex. Even for modest films, AMB has higher occupancy than any other Multiplex in Hyderabad. The battle between Mahesh Babu's Gunturkaaram and HanuMan would put Suniel Narang, the owner, under strain this Sankranti. Multiplexes are projected to provide better HanuMan shows than single screens, even though Mahesh Babu's celebrity will take away the majority of programs.
But this puts AMB in a difficult position. mahesh babu has a small shareholding in AMB. Narang will also have a natural commitment to the celebrity. Most events will undoubtedly be in high demand for the Superstar. Suniel acknowledged the issue in an off-the-record conversation with india Herald news Correspondent. “ఇవ్వకపోతే మహేష్ బాబు కి సునీల్ ఇవ్వలేదు అని మీరే రాస్తారు,” he said. When asked what he is planning, he added, “అదే అర్థంకావడం లేదు”.
Surprisingly, Suniel is also a partner in dil Raju's Nizam Distribution Business. Gunturkaaram will have 1 AM shows, much like Salaar. It will be fascinating to watch if mahesh babu gets a fresh start or if HanuMan gets some programs on the first day itself. watch out this space for more updates in this regard.