Mrunal Thakur wowed the telugu audience with her performance in the love classic Sita Ramam. After a long time, an actress who exuded beauty and elegance while delivering mesmerizing performances hit the telugu cinema. She then took a long vacation before returning to the big screen as Yashna in Nani's most recent film, Hi Nanna. Mrunal looked lovely on television once more, albeit her makeup was irregular in several situations, resulting in an uneven image. Nonetheless, her on-screen presence regularly improves the overall mood of the film.
Mrunal is a major factor in the audience's emotional attachment to Hi Nanna. Congratulations to her for patiently waiting for a significant part and then nailing it like a pro, getting greater respect from the public. sree Leela rose to prominence with her electrifying dance performance in ravi Teja's Dhamaka. She quickly became a favourite of filmmakers, taking on every project that came her way. The result was terrible, as flops continued to pile up with films like Skanda, Adikeshava, and 'Extraordinary Man.' Only she knows why she picked such flicks.
Sreeleela appears at random in scenes and songs, with no redeeming qualities in her part or performing in these flicks. She appears unconcerned about the storyline or the significance of her role. While sree Leela was extremely popular among young people, her subsequent film selections indicate a preference for financial gain over important parts. Mrunal Thakur's next film will be Family be, in which he will be with Vijay Deverakonda, while sree Leela will star in guntur Kaaram, the biggest film of her career, opposite Mahesh Babu. This is her only chance to make a great return. We'll have to wait and see how these two popular heroines' career graphs shape up in the following days.