12 Newborns among 24 dead in 24 hours at Govt.hospital..?

frame 12 Newborns among 24 dead in 24 hours at Govt.hospital..?

S Venkateshwari
12 Newborns among 24 dead in 24 hours at Govt.hospital..?

The government hospital dean in Nanded district, maharashtra, reported that 12 newborns and as many adults passed away there in the previous 24 hours, blaming a staffing and medication shortage. Twelve adults out of the 24 people who passed away in the previous 24 hours died from "various ailments, mostly snake bites," according to the dean of Nanded's Shankarrao Chavan government Hospital.

"In the previous day, six male and six female infants perished. Additionally, 12 adults passed away from various illnesses, primarily snake bites. We had some issues because different staff members were being transferred," he said.

We are the only tertiary care facility within a radius of 70 to 80 kilometres. Patients therefore travel great distances to see us. The budget is affected on some days when there are more patients, he explained. "Haffkine Institute exists. They are supposed to sell us medicines, but that also never happened. The dean continued, "But we did purchase medications locally and gave them to the patients.

Chief minister Eknath Shinde described the deaths as "unfortunate" and promised to take action after more information about what occurred at the hospital is obtained. The Eknath Shinde administration in maharashtra came under a full-scale attack from the opposition, who claimed that the "triple-engine sarkar" (composed of the BJP, Eknath Shinde Sena, and the ajit pawar faction of the NCP) should shoulder responsibility.

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