Where and when Vijay's Leo Audio launch..!?
Now that Rajini's Jailer wave has died down, the expectation of Leo movie is at its peak. Leo is the next film made by Vijay and lokesh after Master. While trisha is playing the lead role in this film, there are many film celebrities too. In that way, bollywood actor sanjay dutt has played the main villain. Also, directors Mishkin and menon -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">gautham menon have been followed by celebrities like arjun and Mansoor ali Khan. Arjun's debut video has been released recently and has increased the hype. It is also reported that the audio launch of the movie Leo is going to happen abroad. The film crew has also tried for this, and all the auditoriums have been filled in the entire month of September. So now they have decided to hold the Leo audio launch event in chennai without any other option.