Attention bank customers..!? Change in banking hours..!?

frame Attention bank customers..!? Change in banking hours..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Attention bank customers..!? Change in banking hours..!?

 If you are a banker yourself or have a banker in your family, this news will make you happy. Yes, the long-standing demand of the bank employees has now been fulfilled. Accordingly, the facility of five days a week may be implemented soon for bank employees. An agreement has been reached between the indian Bankers Association (IBA) and the United bank Employees Union in this regard.
Work extra 40 minutes daily:
According to the new contract, bank employees will have to work 40 minutes extra every day. At present, banks are closed on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month except for Sundays. But from now on, banks will be closed every saturday and Sunday. New arrangements in this regard may start soon. The association has approved this in this regard.
Five day week was implemented in lic last year:
Five-Day Week to List in lic in 2022. Hence the demand for five days a week by the banking unions became stronger. Meanwhile, All india bank Officers General Secretary S. Nagarajan said that all Saturdays should be declared as government holidays under Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act. According to the report, the employees will have to work 40 minutes extra from 9.45 am to 5.30 pm daily. A senior official also said that the IPA has approved the proposal. According to the bank employees, most of the customers are using mobile banking, ATM, and internet banking facilities.

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