Naresh And Pavithra Lokesh Movie Coming Soon ?

Senior actors naresh and Pavithra lokesh did not make their relationship public, but their attendance at all of the events together, as well as other controversies, made it pretty well open and announced. The duo has appeared in several films together, the most recent being Ali's Andaru Bagundali Andhulo Nenundali. According to the recent rumours, naresh and Pavithra are preparing to develop a film based on their own personal life.
It is not a biopic of any of them, but it is said to be Naresh's concept to make a film about their personal lives and incidents that have occurred in the past, including their respective former relationships and current bonding with each other. Needless to say, naresh and Pavithra will portray themselves in the starring roles, with some drama and fiction thrown in for good measure. It's unclear how serious naresh and Pavithra are in making their non-biopic a reality.
The reported romance between actor Mahesh Babu's brother naresh and actress Pavithra lokesh has been doing the rounds on the internet for a few months. Despite the fact that they have not formally confirmed their relationship, they are making public appearances together at events, which is fanning the relationship speculations. The rumoured couple has previously appeared in several films, the most recent being comedian Ali's Andaru Bagundali Andhulo Nenundali. According to recent reports, naresh and Pavithra lokesh are planning to make a film based on their personal lives.

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