Putin started his career as a Russian spy and soon became the president of the country. He undertook many reforms in russia and became a strong leader in the country. He has reached a position where no one can move him from the presidency. But war-mongering Putin has been advancing for years with the goal of reunifying the Soviet Union. The Russian army has a weaponry that is no match for the United States. Once part of russia, ukraine later broke away and became an independent country. However, Putin has expressed his anger many times over Ukraine's recent attempts to join the european union and give shelter to NATO countries. It is in this order that a fierce war has been going on between the two countries for some time. Russians are also against russia going to war on Ukraine.
As there are Russian ancestors and relatives in ukraine, they are also begging Putin to end the war quickly. But Putin says that there is no point in stopping the war without going anywhere. Against this background, opposition to Putin has been showing up in russia for some time. But he is trying his best to reduce this. As a part of this, Putin brought the Mother heroine Award of the Soviet era to the fore. The Russian government will give 13 lakh cash to every mother who gets this award.