Abhishek Bachchan has stated that teasing his daughter Aaradhya is something he cannot accept. abhishek bachchan and Aaradhya Bachchan, daughter of aishwarya Rai, are bollywood celebrities. abhishek bachchan, who travelled to the maldives with his family last month to celebrate Aradhya's 10th birthday, threw a lavish party for his daughter. On his instagram feed, he also posted images about it.
Many of Aaradhya's fans congratulated her. Some Internet users, however, criticised Aaradhya and abhishek Bachchan's family. In the meantime, abhishek bachchan, who was recently interviewed by a private media site, has reacted to a query about the issue. He publicly admitted that he had the patience to put up with all of the trolls and critiques directed at him, but not his daughter or wife.
"I would not tolerate ridiculing Aradhya," he added in the interview. That is unacceptably unacceptably unacceptably unacceptably unacceptably unacceptably unacceptably As a public figure, I am subjected to criticism. But I can't stand it when others make fun of my daughter. "Let those who make fun of Aradhya do it right in front of my data-face," abhishek bachchan added while concluding the interview with the leading media channel outlet.