Shutterbugs saw ram charan in Mumbai's Juhu neighbourhood. While sitting in his car, the celebrity was photographed. In a white shirt with a blue shirt and black eyeglasses, the star looks great in his uber-cool ensemble. The performer's hair and moustache are perfectly groomed. He can also be seen posing for photos with admirers. Many fans flocked to his car to snap selfies, which he gladly accepted with a grin. He's also caught on camera taking selfies with a cop.
According to sources, ram charan was in the metropolis for the first session of filming for his next film #RC15, directed by shankar and starring kiara Advani. In August, the movie was actually started in front of a large audience, featuring Ranveer Singh. Until then, ram charan will star alongside Shriya, alia bhatt, and tarak in the hotly anticipated pan-India blockbuster RRR. The sneak peek video was recently launched, and it appeared to be equally fascinating.
Kiara Advani was also part of this first schedule as per the sources and she particiapted in few talkie portions along with ram charan and this is the second time she romances Mega power star and the first time being 'Vinaya Vidhaya Rama' which was an utter flop in their respective careers.