Samantha Ruth Prabhu has removed some lovely, nostalgic images of naga chaitanya from her instagram feed, months after the couple announced their split. Around Hundred photos have been erased by the actress, the majority of which are from their marriage. There are even a few removed images from their vacations together. sam appears to be moving on with her life and is gradually erasing her remembrance of Chay.
With some exclusions, she has continued to share photographs of herself and naga chaitanya with family members. naga Chaitanya's instagram account also has pictures of her and their cat Hash. He instagram profile is gradually becoming all about her career, style, and self-expression. As we all know, the oh baby actress is very popular on instagram, and she has always provided us to some great photographs of Chay, who has stayed away from the internet for the most part.
Sam has travelled to dubai with fashionista Preetham Jukalker and celebrity makeup Sadhana Singh after touring rishikesh with shilpa Reddy. samantha is currently spending her vacation with her personal assistant Preetham, with whom she was previously associated, and the two of them are having a great time altogether. The actress is also on cloud nine as she got the verdict in favour of her.