Honey for a Glowing complexion.

Sekar Chandra
Honey is known as a natural cleanser which exfoliates your skin to bring out a radiant and glowing complexion. Washing your data-face with honey once or twice a week will keep your skin soft and also blemish free. Mix honey and tomatoes together to make a thick paste. Apply this mixture on your skin and keep it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off and moisturize for a clear skin.

Honey is also known to reduce scars. It is also known to be one of the best moisturizers for your skin. Apply plain honey for five to 10 minutes on your data-face and wash it off later with warm water. It is also known as a miracle to turn back the clock. Honey contains anti-inflammatory properties that delay the ageing process. So apply some honey before you go off to bed every night.

Honey and milk work wonders. To ease out fine lines and wrinkles, apply a paste of honey and milk or honey and curd on your skin. Keep it on for some time before you wash off your data-face with lukewarm water.

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