JioCinema would soon change its name to JioVoot, according to earlier reports and results, which also hinted at an Rs. 99 package. Three plans have now been made public on a new test website. The code on the website displays JioVoot even if the content on the site says JioCinema Premium, so it could be updated later.
The already leaked Rs. 99 gold plan will support 2 devices and be good for 3 months. The package originally cost Rs. 299, and the price of Rs. 99 reflects a 67% discount. After a 93% reduction from the original price of Rs. 29, there is a 1-day plan available for Rs. 2. The most expensive platinum package, which allows you to watch on four devices, costs Rs. 599 for a 12-month subscription. Except for the live stream, there won't be any ads. The price reflects a 50% reduction from the original plan's price of Rs. 1199.
You can access all material through any of the three options, in the finest 4K quality, on any device. The website offers a UPI payment option that is functional for the plans. Viacom media Private Limited will get the money. Additionally, users ought to be able to subscribe directly from the tv app. We may anticipate the official announcement of the launch and rebranding to JioVoot soon since the company has already begun testing the plans.