Rahul, Shivani’s Vidya Vasula Aham!
Thellavarithe Guruvaram, directed by Sri simha Koduri, was Manikanth Gelli's previous film (streaming on aha). The majority of the movie takes place in a house close to Hyderabad. The plot centres on an ego battle between a young married couple. The soundtrack for the lighthearted entertainer is composed by kalyani Malik. The production of vidya Vasula Aham is moving forward quickly, and the movie should soon be in theatres, according to a statement from the producers.
Both the lead actors, vidya and Vasu, are wearing crowns in the movie's newly released poster, with Vasu sporting a "sudarshana chakram" around his finger. The team explains the beginnings of man and woman in this world, the concept and meaning of the institution of marriage, and how it relates to the trinity of Gods—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—in the title animation video. They both agree that the main factor determining whether a marriage will last is ego.